Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's all your fault.

This post has neither ice nor snow in it. And for this reason, I am quite unhappy.

I left Troy on Sunday to go to a job interview in Rochester (went well). When I came back it was in the forties and getting ready to rain. The snow is disappearing like crazy (nearly all gone now) and I'm grumpy. I have decided to officially blame the people who were still in Troy and didn't believe in winter and Brittany whose snide snow remarks have had terrible consequences. It rained almost all day yesterday. Harumph. And now we're seeing avalanches on Mars. Seriously!? I left Troy for one day and now everything is going nuts.

In other news, I'm not often swayed by advertising and sad gimmicks, but several weeks ago I couldn't resist the attraction of the Labatt Blue Hockey helmet hat. It's fuzzy, warm and reminds me of beer and hockey. Hurray! I had to buy a 24 pack (which Jeff has mostly drank) to get the thing, but it was definitely worth it. I searched the internet for a pictures... but I can't find one anywhere... crazy. You'll just have to use your imagination.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Hm I would say that it could have something to do with global warming...or March...but you know, if it makes you feel better to blame me, go right ahead :)

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