Sunday, June 17, 2007

It's been a while.... and I still don't have Facebook.

It's been a while hasn't it? With the slow, but seemingly inevitable, downfall of Xanga, I've found it challenging to keep in touch with many of you. Since I've decided to avoid Facebook, I figured a new blog may be a better way to connect. Of course e-mail and phone works, but now we're talking mass media baby.

I recently copied all of my old Xanga entries into a Word document so that the memories could be remembered. Some of that stuff is QUALITY:

August 10, 2001
: "Hi yas!!! Today is da very first web log... an't that just spiffy.... nothing is going on today... i think i'm just gonna end up staying home all day and getting yelled at... "

September 6, 2001
: "
llama llama llama"

Seriously? Wow... and it goes on, but I'll spare you that.

So after my third year of Mechanical Engineering edumacation, I'm living and working in Salt Lake City. It's GOOD to be out West. I live practically in the foothills of the Wasatch mountains and have been locally mountain biking and hiking most days. Last weekend I was out on a backpacking trip in the High Uintas and I spend Friday and Saturday of this weekend in the Zion National Park, the next couple posts will probably be trip reports from those trips...


Unknown said...

Trip reports, oh man I can't wait.

Also, your September 6th entry rocks the hizzle fo shizzle.

kate said...

Seriously why don't you just get facebook?!?!

Anonymous said...

WHOA! xanga has not suffered a downfall of any sort! and it wont so long as there are people that for whatever reason check mine every day even though it should be quite clear that i practically never update it. but i must agree that a facebook could be good in addition to this. it would tell us "<3 scott youmans is listed as 'in a relationship' with that girl with the dog in the apartment in utah."

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you started an up & coming blog to keep us all, well, updated! Now start the exciting stories...

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